Unsatisfied With Secondary You can't help but imagining a nesting relationship with someone who isn't interested in escalating.
Craving Other Relationships How do you know if you're craving other relationships for the right reasons?
Sharing One Bedroom Sharing one bedroom while needing your personal space in polyamory can be a huge struggle.
Meeting Family When another partner gets to meet family, it's can be difficult to feel like there's not an inequity.
Disclosing Deeper Feelings You may feel like you always have to disclose when you develop feelings for someone, but this may not actually be the case.
Episode 126: Living With Partners Living with people is already hard but living with a new partner and a metamour you don’t have a connection with can add to the challenge.
Open vs Polyamory How do you differentiate between polyamory and "open relationships" and what do you do when it feels your relationship is moving into polyamory.
To Triad or Not to Triad Using labels can sometimes be more confusing than helpful if you don't know what the labels mean.
Fuzzy Definitions When your friends with benefits relationship could lead to polyamory but you're not quite sure.
Episode 120: Forced Primary You’ve been happy as a secondary but slowly your partner is requesting more and more time after a recent breakup.