Panic and Polyamory Logically you know you should trust your partner, but your emotions don't seem to be responding to your logic.
Panic and Polyamory Logically you know you should trust your partner, but your emotions don't seem to be responding to your logic.
Polyamory Pass or Fail Seeing polyamory as a game you can win or lose can often put more pressure on you to be "successful".
Reading vs. Reality You've done all of the homework in polyamory but you're still feeling at the whim of your emotions.
Lacking Compersion It can be hard when you struggle with seeing your partner experience compersion while you experience jealousy.
Episode 128: Stopping Emotions Is there really a way to stop your emotions in their tracks or fully control them especially if you’re in a difficult housing situation?
Not Feeling Stable Is it just insecurity or poor self-esteem or are there reasons for why this person might not feel 100% convinced by their partner's promises?
Comparing Partner Numbers When you and your partner seem to be playing polyamory chicken over who has the first relationship, how do you resolve it?
Episode 118: Don't Ask, Don't Tell When you agree to a DADT relationship with a closeted partner but it’s not moving fast enough into a more polyamorous relationship.
Long Distance NRE Your partner interrupts time together for a new long distance love and red alarms are blaring for you.